FCC – Says "OK" to TDMA Emissions

by  Tony NA0US and Jeff K0RM

The FCC released Report and Order 14-FCC-Seal74 yesterday (6/9/2014) that made changes to the Amateur Radio Service rules (Part 97).  The changes are summarized as follows:

1. Partial credit will be given for expired licenses.   The FCC will permit Volunteer Examiners to give credit for Elements 3 and 4 (commonly referred to as the General and Extra exams) for certain expired licenses but require applicants with an expired license to re-test Element 2 (Technician) to ensure concerns about an applicants lost proficiency and knowledge are addressed.

2. Allow Remote VE Testing.  The FCC has approved the ability of VE the option of conducting VE test sessions remotely.  VECs are not mandated to conduct such testing and the commission has left to the VECs the decision of determining the conditions and process for conducting such remote testing ensuring that such test sessions comply with the Commissions rules.

3. Emission Types.  The FCC has amended its rules to authorize certain single slot TDMA emissions.  This rule replaces a temporary waiver permitting DMR/TRBO emissions in the Amateur Service.

There was a proposal to reduce the number of VEs needed to administer tests.   The FCC declined to reduce the number of VEs currently needed to administer Amateur Radio tests from three to two.  There was also a proposal to shorten the two year grace period after the expiration of a vanity call (to permit it to become available more quickly) but the commission also declined this proposal.

To read the entire report and order, (Click Here)

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