What Happened at Visalia 2014?

by  N0KE

Visalia is a city in California, located about 190 miles north of L.A. in the middle of the San Joaquin Valley.

It’s also the home of annual International DX Convention now in its 65th year (Click Here)  SCARC members – Larry K0CL, Bill K0UK, Gerry K0DU and Phil N0KE were at this years April 4th-6th Convention in Visalia.Visalia

Sponsorship of this event is shared in alternating years by the Southern California DX Club and the Northern California DX Club.

Folks from all over the world attend this Convention to meet old and new friends and find out what’s new in uber-long distance HF RadioSport during the Conventions various seminars.  Visalia also serves as a kind of (warm up?) for the Dayton, Ohio Convention (May 16th – 18th) – the biggest annual Amateur Radio Convention in North America (Click Here).

For a look a more Visalia DX Convention 2014 photos – (Click Here).  Special thanks to Art K6XT (Grand Mesa Contesters) for the web link to his Convention photos!

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